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Monica went to Ecuador to complete a Journalism internship and was forever changed!


“I was a 100% immersed on day one,” says Monica. And even better, “My host family was so sweet and honest, so instantly welcoming.” Monica even found the courage to broach the delicate subject of eating Cuy (the South American delicacy of cooked Guinea Pig). She was opposed out of respect for her pet Guinea Pig at home. Their response? Lots of laughs.

Lesson Learned

“The answer is always ‘yes.’ I learned how not to be scared and say yes, because you realize that life is short and the greater regret is not taking opportunities. Zip-lining was also pretty incredible.” In addition to zip-lining, Monica also said yes to new cultural experiences like meeting a tribal community that traces its roots back further than the Mayans. Not something you get to do every day!


Why World Endeavors?

“As well as being affordable, there were reviews from WE alumni that helped me make my decision. There was also a large range of specific programs in multiple destinations.” We’ve got to hand it to our alumni who keep inspiring others to take the leap and go for a meaningful experience abroad.

What’s Next?

Monica will be off again in the near future to visit friends in Scandinavia and the UK – and will be headed back to Ecuador to start her career as an online content writer. Her last words about going abroad? “Make sure you do it,” she said. “It’s worth the money and it will change you in a positive way.”
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